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Siem Reap, KH – Health is wealth – Feb 2024

Eun Dun, lives North East of the New Peaksneng Rent-to-own-Home community, just outside it. He has known the Peaksneng garden shop for many years, and has four children. When Rey the shop manager first met him and his wife in 2015,they were struggling to meet their basic needs because they were subsistence farmers living on a very low income.

Eun Dun did not know how to manage land productively, and was only growing one type of crop in the garden. He learned that Peaksneng shop assisted families around Peaksneng and neighboring villages. He decided to meet Rey the shop manager to discuss his wish to learn more about organic farming. In 2017, the shop assisted him with building his own vegetable garden, and taught him to make compost and natural growth booster and pest repellant sprays.

Since then, the Dun family has been growing vegetables and been able to produce enough food for nutritious meals with a variety of fresh vegetables. The learning gained from their Food Always In The Home (FAITH) garden has been a stepping stone to a larger scale commercial vegetable garden that earns them more income while they are still keeping their home FAITH garden productive.

The commercial and FAITH gardens provide healthy and fresh vegetables for the children, and have taught Dun that to be successful in one’s endeavours, one must have good health. He believes that good health for parents and children is wealth. His dream is for his children to have a good education and learn skills that make them productive for the community.