Better Lives

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Kilimanjaro, TZ – Community organization and visiting students assist rural schools in Tanzania – Mar 2024

The Lishe Bora team, Better Lives and Rollins University in Florida, USA have developed a regular hosting program that has run since 2014. It has created an opportunity to assist rural schools and communities in the Mkyashi area on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro.

The next two year interval visit to Lishe Bora projects will be in May this year. Mkyashi primary school with 360 children is going to benefit by being a new school added into the Lishe Bora Grow-own-Breakfast (GoB) and Hosting program. The 360 children will be able to eat organically grown vegetables as an addition to their daily school meals. The Lishe Bora collaboration with Rollins will build a raised vegetable bed and banana garden for feeding the students and teachers, and for selling excess vegetables and bananas to raise income that will pay for other breakfast ingredients and garden inputs like EM1 for compost making.

Also the learning environment for the children and teachers will be improved by completing open walls in a few classrooms. This will stop distracting noise travelling between classrooms, reduce stress for the students and teachers, improve student attention, and most likely improve academic perfomance.

Lishe Bora will be hosting other schools this coming summer, which the team hopes will bring support for the purchase of school needs like photocopier, garden fence, desks, and improved water system.