Ngara, TZ – School parents target to supply school breakfast ingredients, and need assistance to improve kitchen – Feb 2024
SODAT in collaboration with her three schools agreed with parents to start contributing a full amount of the yearly child feeding ingredients from their home field harvest for self-sufficient serving of breakfast, so breakfast can become sustainable at school.

The ingredients produced using the schools’ fields are insufficient for the yearly feeding stock because of less school land and inconsistent rains. This required parents to contribute from home fields to close the feeding gap for the yearly feeding stock. In order to accomplish this in 2024, SODAT schools set an agreement for ingredient’s contribution targets for each school parent to achieve. The best school’s parents contributed 100% of the yearly feeding stock, so their children will be supported with sport’s, educational supplies and better infrastructures to encourage parents’ contributions and students’ performance to be self-reliant.
In 2024, SODAT cooks and gardeners will be paid for 3.5 days and 4 days per week respectively, but drop working time from 5 to 3 days per week so they can have 2 days of earning from their own businesses. The Vicoba volunteer families will also contribute their energy and time to volunteer working to assist in sustainable way gardening production and breakfast preparation and serving for the students’ health. The volunteers will benefit from low interest business loans, knowledge and mentorship from SODAT for assisting in feeding their children.
This mutual assistance is the gateway to the pathway to sustainable living that is benefiting parents, children and Village Community Banking (Vicoba) group families.

They will need an Efficient, Effective, Easy, Enjoyable, Economical and Environmental (6E) kitchen designed for saving the team time in breakfast preparation, training volunteers, and protecting cooks and children’s health by allowing good air circulation, light and easier to keep hygiene in all weather situations. Kabalenzi school kitchen is one of them that needs to be highly improved as a priority.
The school and parents, have proposed building a low total cost of ownership (LTCO) comfortable kitchen using available material in school like trees posts, mud plus sand and cements for plastering to strengthen for durability to last longer since no termite threats in the area.