Our GROW, EARN and BUILD solution programs assist families and schools to overcome nutrition, housing and education challenges that they and their children face.

We assist families and schools to grow vegetables and bananas so that their children can eat nutritious meals at home, and breakfast at school.
We do this to strengthen children’s health so that they will want to attend school and be attentive in the classroom, rather than being distracted by an empty stomach or even feinting before their first meal of the day at lunch time.

We assist families to earn an income by growing surplus vegetables from their home garden and also from market gardens for selling to neighbors and the local market.
We also provide loans to families and village community banks (VICOBA) for small business working capital and the purchase of productive assets.

We build Rent-to-Own (RTO) homes in Cambodia, and school water, sanitation and hygiene (SWASH) facilities in Tanzania.
We do this to create safe learning friendly environments at home and school.