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Battambang, KH – Pak visits families to mentor and offer assistance – Oct 2023

Pak has always dreamed of making a positive impact in his community, which is why he works with Healthy Life Reinforcement shop and manager Salee to mentor local families about organic vegetable gardening.

Through working on the projects with mentoring from Salee, Pak has learned how to cultivate a bountiful vegetable garden, and make compost and natural sprays. He has also learned how to motivate and encourage his children to become educated and learn how to earn an income in the future. He has discovered the benefits of sustainable farming practices and the health benefits of eating safe organic produce. Armed with this knowledge, he assists his own family and poor families in the community to strengthen their health and earn a better living.

Through a partnership with the local community, Pak is supplying compost and sprays of natural booster and pest repellent to those who cannot afford them. Families who were struggling with food supply now have access to homegrown vegetables. This way, he has improved his own family’s lives, and by bringing better nourishment and hope to those who need it most he has also assisted less fortunate families in his community to improve their lives.