Better Lives

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Moshi, TZ – UK School assists Grow-own-Breakfast program in Kahe, Tanzania – Aug 2023

The collaboration between True Adventure, Better Lives and local partner Tupendane in Tanzania facilitated hosting of a group of UK students and teachers from King Edward VI School in Kahe Ward, Tanzania during July 2023.

During the 2.5 days of working together, the UK school students and Mwangaria community achieved a number of successes. Two new water stand-pipes were built, more than 50 banana holes were dug and planted with banana trees, more than 24 vegetable garden beds were prepared and planted, and 4 new compost piles were built. These successes will assist Mwangaria Primary School to sustain healthy banana and vegatables crops that will supply the school children with their daily school meal.

The UK school students also contributed to the purchase and installation of a new solar electric water pump, which is going to save about 90% of the irrigation costs compared to the old fuel pump, which was less user friendly and with higher maintenance and operating costs.

Tupendane’s team noticed immense joy and overwheliming heart felt friendly interactions between the UK and Mwangaria students and teachers. Strong social bonds were created and left each participant with incredible memories. Both the UK students and Mwangaria community wished that they had more time together. Tupendane now dreams of enhacing its hosting capacity for 2024 so more school groups can visit Moshi and assist Tupendane to improve the sustainability of its school Grow-own-Breakfast program in Kahe schools, and expand the program to more schools in the Moshi area.