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Moshe, TZ – School’s commercial vegetable and banana gardens role in the sustainability of their Grow own Breakfast program in Kahe Ward Tanzania – Sep 2023

Children, teachers and parents of Mwangaria are succesfuly producing their own healthy vegetables and bananas from their school’s gardens. The harvests have been contributing to the teachers’ and children’s daily school meals, which contribute to improving their health and academic performance. The very productive gardens have always produced excess harvests that the school packages up to take to the available Mwangaria street markets for selling. The sales provide important income that contributes to the running costs of the GoB gardens.

These excess harvests have also contributed to the healthy improvements of the children, teachers and the community members who buy the organic produce from the school. The access to commercial gardens has also opened up key exposure to the children for learning about markerting, selling and accounting skills for their vegetable and banana gardens.

Currently the main challenge has been lack of enough local market for selling, lack of transportation to a reliable market in Moshi town and other places. The school’s plan is to continue seeking different ideas to strenthen their capacity to earn income that is necessary for building a self-sustaining grow own breakfast program.