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Kikondo, UG – Wamukisa sees sustained and predictable commercial growth – 15 Dec 2020

2020 was a very transformative year for the commercial garden at Wamukisa. Michael and the team made the repeatable routine their focus and saw great reward in making the commercial garden process more energizing.

Wamukisa’s sales tanked heavily at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Ugandan markets shut down meaning he had no place to sell his produce. However, this gave them an opportunity to rethink the design and focus. They made changes to their planting and preparing design to lessen the load on their resources.

By focusing on the vegetables that earned them the most revenue in the least amount of time, Wamukisa has seen an enormous expansion in their revenue. Additionally, an unexpected benefit came in the form of time. by focusing on creating a predictable routine. The team gained more time for focusing on family mentorship, the bread and butter of Wamukisa.

Wamukisa is working through their seedling challenges, Michael has sourced better seeds that will produce even faster and more consistently, but this means they need to rest gardens in order to maintain their current schedule.

In 2021, the team hopes that the garden will cover 1/3rd of Wamukisa expenses. They’re also hoping this repeatable schedule will be picked up by their families after they show them the evidence of repeatable planting.