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Kilimanjaro, TZ – Eco-lodge farm manager uses local design to manage erosion – 15 Dec 2020

In early 2020, Lishe Bora team set to planting deep-rooted flowers and vegetation to manage rainwater runoff in the very hilly terrain of the Ecofarm. In addition to the management, the team added beauty and food to the land!

In 2019, Lishe Bora experienced challenges of erosion due to excessive rainwater at the Eco-lodge. After assembling some potential costly solutions, Mary and the Eco-lodge farm manager, Salim, agreed that planting local vegetation will help manage excessive rainwater. In addition to the rainwater management, the local vegetation added a lot of beauty to the area.

At the beginning of the year, the team added flowers that future guests will enjoy viewing as they dine in the kitchen area. Additionally, mango, banana, avocado, and papaya trees were planted which will help reduce strong winds to the area and provide sweet fruits to guests.

Challenged by coronavirus restrictions, Lishe Bora did not receive guests in 2020 to help with ameliorating the space for other guests to enjoy, but hope that in 2021 they may recieve some.

Mary is looking for more budget to keep adding flowers and vegetation to the area. The current selection was so successful at providing benefit to the land that Mary and the team hope to double down on the efforts and start a flower making business at the farm.