Moshi, TZ – Kahe Primary School prepares for 2020 farming – 15 Jan 2020

After learning from their successful corn and bean farming in 2019, Kahe Primary School organized the parent committees to start work on the 3 acres at the school to start their 2nd year of farming activities.
Like last year’s corn and bean farming activities, 2020 corn and beans will contribute directly to the student’s breakfast feeding. This year Kahe has planned and organized well in advance of the planting season and expects to be ahead of schedule.
After working through last year’s challenges, Kahe plans to improve their desgin, budget, and schedule based on their lessons learned. The benefit to this continuation is they expect to have higher harvest yields this year and depend less on the community.
Despite their increased ability to farm collectively, Kahe Primary School still needs more land to feed the entire school and sell for continued sustainability.

Regardless, they’ll focus on the work they have ahead of them and prepare for greater harvests in 2020.