Battambang, KH – Sokha’s journey continues – 12 Oct 2019

You may recognize Sokha. We last wrote about her in January 2015 under the pseudonym ‘Lin’ when we supported her to attend a private school in Battambang, Cambodia called Dewey International University (DIU).
Back then she was an impressive 17-year-old student who came from a poor family and was working hard to try to overcome her disadvantages. More than four years later, it’s wonderful to see what she’s been able to accomplish! With CFI’s support Sokha has been living independently for the past three years. She has learned a lot about taking care of herself and dealing with things like managing money and household tasks.
After she graduated from high school in 2018 Sokha was offered an opportunity from M’lop Russey, one of CFI’s partner organizations, to do a three-month internship, working as a social worker and finance assistant. Sokha says she loves her job because she learns so much from it and she knows she’s contributing something back to the community. “I really love my job because I can help other families,” Sokha says.
Because Sokha is one of the hard-working and independent students, CFI provides a full scholarship to study at the University of Management and Economics and this year she started her second year studying management.
In the future, Sokha really wants to be a social worker to work at an NGO and help families that had the same family situation like her. I want to help families to improve their skills in order to find a job and earn a living for their family,” Sokha says. “I don’t want to see them have the same experience as me.”