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Battambang, KH – Garden helps OCH feed her grandchildren – 13 May 2016

OCH with her grandchildren (2)OCH provides her two grandchildren with nutritious food every day and earns extra income for their school fees by maintaining a productive organic vegetable garden!

As a widowed grandmother of two, OCH successfully harvests sufficient vegetables every day to feed her family with enough surplus vegetables to earn US$3 per week.

OCH is looking after her grandchildren because their parents have gone to the Thailand border to try and find work. Although they occasionally send money back to help support their children’s living expenses, it is often not enough. Since OCH’s husband died, it has been difficult for OCH to earn consistent income, currently she sells cakes by the road as her main source of income which earns her US$1.50 per day.

OCH organic vegetable gardenShe is applying for a micro-loan with the Healthy Life Garden Shop for two piglets, so that she can fatten them and sell them for a profit. She hopes that a small pig business will help her save money for a more secure future for her grandchildren.