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Kilimanjaro, TZ – RWA family garden – 8 Oct 2013

Mama Riwa 1 20131009RWA pruned her carrots and added mounds of dirt around each sprout. This is not a strategy the Lishe Bora team was aware of but it makes sense because they did the same thing with potatoes.

Lishe Bora believes this will allow the carrots to grow larger and healthy. Many of the carrots started coming out of the ground when they reached a certain age. Hopefully this will prevent that and add to the available nutrients.

RWA didn’t do a very good job tying up her cucumber plants. Mary of Lishe Bora showed her again how to do it and showed her some examples of plants that were not tied well.  She said by next week everything will be tied well.

Written by:  Sam Barnes of Tuko Pamoja Mkyashi