Kilimanjaro, TZ – Lishe Bora Team looks to 2021 for earning income – 15 Oct 2020

Lishe Bora team refocuses on expanding earn income activities in order to make up for the loss of visitor groups this year. They may have found potential revenue in producing flowers.
The coronavirus has impacted the Lishe Bora team’s work this year. The team adjusted their schedule in order to protect them the older community, as well they have not received their expected True Adventure and Rollins visitors this year. In order to refocus on self-sufficiency, Lishe Bora stops to smell the roses, literally. The team has identified an easy transition of the team’s garden work to producing flowers to sell in towns like Moshi and Arusha.
There are many beautiful varieties of flowers found around Tanzania, additionally, flowers can be produced and sold year-round. Lishe Bora’s eco-farm is primed to produce large quantities of flowers, both adding beauty and transforming into a destination spot for local weddings and celebrations as suggested by Mary, Lishe Bora’s manager. The potential benefit to the community could mobilize others to produce flowers of their own and join forces with Lishe Bora.
Looking for areas to earn income in Mkyashi/Kilema area is a challenge the team faces every year. Typical revenue streams like livestock and farming take a lot of time and energy for small and unstable net income. Other areas of income are hard to justify in the long term as well.
The team hopes to find ways to use flowers as a way to build capital and improve their self sufficiency.