Better Lives

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Moshe, TZ – Kahe Primary Schools welcomed High School students from Ireland and UK this summer – Aug 2024

Tupendane and Kahe Primary schools hosted High School student groups from Ireland and UK this spring and summer. They welcomed the visitors who assisted them with School Water and Sanitation & Hygiene (SWASH) and Grow-own-Breakfast (GOB) program projects, which are aimed at enhancing the educational environment and the well-being of primary school children and teachers.

The vegetable and banana gardens that were maintained and built at the Primary Schools provide the school children and teachers with fresh organic produce that will contribute to maintaining good health, attendance and academic performance. The next steps include ensuring the sustainability of the gardens by focusing on making them easy and enjoyable for the children to protect and operate.

For example, the irrigation systems at Ginja and Kisangasangeni Primary Schools will be completed so that the children no longer carry water in buckets from a water source. At Kisangasangeni primary school, the current water source is a dangerous river because it has crocodiles in it! The water system design objectives are to be efficient, effective, economical and enjoyable to operate and maintain (4E design). It will keep the children safe, eliminate the time spent carrying water on their heads and shoulders, and generate more harvest for the school and commercial gardens. These gardens will feed the children and also earn income to help cover the running expenses of the program, with the objective of creating a self-sustaining feeding program for more than 720 children at the two schools.

The first visiting school was St Conleth’s College, Dublin in June. The school’s students camped at Rau River Primary school and volunteer assisted with projects that included these SWASH and GOB project activities:

    • Toilet Block renovation for 10 latrines
    • Roofing repair for 3 Classrooms
    • Assisted making reusable sanitary pads for girls with material for 50 pads
  • GOB
    • Maintaining vegetable beds and planting 80 banana trees and on quarter acre 
    • Made 9 Compost Piles
    • Made 60 litres of natural pest repellant and growth booster sprays

Redmaids High School, Bristol, UK sent 13 girl students to camp at the Tupendane pilot farm. They volunteer assisted Kisangasangeni Primary School with projects that included these activities:

    • Toilet Block renovation for 10 latrines
    • Kitchen repairs and improvements
    • Assisted making reusable sanitary pads for girls by donating material for 50 pads
  • GOB
    • Maintaining vegetable beds and planting 60 banana trees and on quarter acre 
    • Made 9 Compost Piles

Queen’s School, UK sent two teams to camp at Soko Primary school.  They assisted the school to enter the SWASH and GOB programs, with a 4 year commitment for fund raising and volunteer assistance visits every other year. This year’s project activities included:

Team 1:

    • Connecting boys and girls toilet blocks and 1 standpipe for the vegetable & banana garden to water supply
    • Finishing the boys toilet block with 6 latrines
    • Finishing and painting 1 classroom’s interior walls
  • GOB
    • Planting part of 1/2 acre with vegetables and 50 bananas
    • Assisted making reusable sanitary pads for girls by donating material for 100 pads

Team 2:

    • Connecting boys and girls toilet blocks and 3 standpipes for the vegetable & banana garden to water supply
    • Finishing the girls toilet block with 6 latrines
    • Assisted making reusable sanitary pads for girls by donating material for 100 pads
    • Painted welcome sign
    • Finishing and painting 2 classroom’s interior walls
  • GOB
    • Planting part of 1/2 acre with vegetables and 50 bananas

Bethany School, UK also camped at Soko Primary School. They supported Queen’s School’s good SWASH and GOB work by raising funds and providing volunteer assistance with projects that included these activities:

    • Connecting 3 standpipes for the vegetable & banana garden to water supply
    • 2  Painted garden store room with water tank on roof
    • Renovated kitchen
    • Concreted 1 classroom floor and verandah floor for 3 classrooms
  • GOB
    • Planting part of 1/2 acre with vegetables and 50 banana trees

St Catherine’s School, UK sent two teams to camp at the pilot farm. They assisted nearby Maendeleo Primary school by raising funds and providing volunteer assistance with projects that included these activities:

Team 1:

    • Repainted part of 10 latrine toilet block
    • 2  Improved garden irrigation system with 100 meters of trenching and pipe laying
    • Connected 1 garden irrigation standpipe
    • Assisted making reusable sanitary pads for girls by donating material for 200 pads
  • GOB
    • Planting 1/2 acre with vegetables and 75 banana trees
    • Made 11 compost piles

Team 2:

    • Repainted part of 10 latrine toilet block
    • Renovating teachers’ toilet block
    • Improving Irrigation system by adding    3 stand pipes
    • Supply 2 New cooking Pots to Kitchen
  • GOB
    • Planting vegetables and 50 banana trees on 1/2 acre
    • Made 9 compost piles

Parmiter’s School, UK camped at the pilot farm. They assisted Ginja Primary School to enter the Better Lives SWASH and GOB programs by raising funds and providing volunteer assistance with projects that included these joint activities with school children, teachers, parents and builders:

    • Repainted 7 latrine toilet block
    • Dug 200 meters of trench and pipe for water distribution
    • Building covered kitchen
    • Laying 3 concrete classroom floors
  • GOB
    • Planting 1 acre with vegetables and 103 banana trees
    • Making 9 compost piles