Better Lives

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Battambang, KH – Building Food-Always-In-The-Home (FAITH) vegetable gardens for nine families – Jun 2024

During April, May and June, Salee and Pak have been preparing for the arrival of three student groups in July who will be assisting families in a disadvantaged rural area just outside the City of Battambang. Nine families have qualified to be assisted by the visiting student volunteers. This assistance includes building vegetable gardens, making compost, and natural pest repellant and growth booster sprays.

A stock of compost started being made in April in order to build up a stock for the nine family gardens. Salee and Pak visited the families to mentor them about gardening and preparing the land for building FAITH vegetable gardens. They also encouraged families to grow vegetable seedlings for planting in the new gardens. The tools, compost and materials are staged, and Salee has visited the local schools to arrange teaching opportunities for the visiting students. He has also registered the visiting students with the local authorities for community engagement activities.

Salee, Pak, schools and families are looking forward to hosting the students because the nine families’ lives will benefit from their assistance, and the visiting students will experience the culture and way of life of families and children they assist. It is going to be a growing experience for the local community and visiting students!