Ngara, TZ – School cook RP retires after 14 years – Nov 2023
Finally, RP is fifty four years old and in his final month of work since starting to assist with breakfast serving to the school students at Kabalenzi Primary School in 2010. He now promises to be a fundraiser for buying school breakfast ingredients, educating and encouraging parents about the importance of Breakfast for their child.

RP worked fourteen years with SODAT in assisting Kabalenzi school students with their Grow-own-Breakfast program for feeding to build healthy, educated and trained children who can support their own families and benefit their community. RP learned from SODAT about working with the community, organic vegetable growing and Vicoba savings plans which have enabled him to own a house, and a motorcycle for delivery services earning up to 15,000 TZS / US$6.25 per day in this business for paying off his motorcycle loan by end of December 2023 to fully own it.
The Vicoba savings plan assisted RP to start pig breeding and fattening projects that he will run during his retirement time to earn a sustainable living income for his family .

The pig bred seven piglets which are being cared for and are growing. RP plans to expand the project by building a quality pig pen to separate piglets and avoid sickness and competition for food so they can grow to meet the market quality standard, and earn a good income. A two months, a piglet sold for 50,000 TZS to the growers’ farmers, and an adult pig sold 500,000 TZS in the Ngara town market to meet its demand.
Also, RP wants to start a dairy cow project when he harvests his first pigs to sell and then buy a dairy cow and build a cow house (banda). RP has enough pasture for sustaining cow and pigs feeding because he is an organic farmer and has a motorcycle to deliver feed. He grows corn, beans, and bananas for his family food and also selling, and the remaining stalks after harvests will feed animals and get manure for applying to his field and growing more production.
PF believes a better tomorrow starts today with sustainable steps one at time. The profits from projects will go into savings for a comfortable house and his children’s future education.