Moshe, TZ – Happy meal in Kahe! – 31 Oct 2022

A breakfast serving is one of the joyfully activities that Tupendane is assisting the children of Mwangaria primary school with. Tupendane team in Kahe Ward , Kilimanjaro ,Tanzania has been able to collaborate with parents, teachers, children and local government to build productive banana and vegetable gardens in a few primary schools in the area. A portion of the harvest from the gardens has been cooked by the parents and served as children’s daily breakfast on each school day of the year.
Continuous improvements on children’s health, academic performance and the attendances in classes has been among the few straight forward benefits observed during these achievements. Other indirect benefits such as improvements of the community attitude towards the importance of feeding the children at school, improving teachers working environments, adding value of the schools’ assets (banana and vegetable gardens) to become more productive, and improvements of the well being of the community through social collaboration on working together at school farms has also been appreciated.
The program is facing a few challenges as it strives to achieve sustainability. Among other challenges the most priority now is the cost of operations which is contributed by lack of enough friendly infrastructures such as irrigation systems, lack of the reliable transportation of the excess harvest to the market, and also unstable market prices of the harvests.
Tupendane is wishing to expand the program to a few more schools in the area as we receive a number of applications from different schools in the area want to join the program which in turn we will be able to serve a larger number of children in need.