Kikondo, UG – Zinabala Village Community Banking Association tests new technique for nourishing soil – 28 Feb 2022
The YNM family work group, part of Zinabala Village Community Banking group’s (VICOBA) 30 members, nourished 1.5 acres for planting after seasonal rains begin in March. Through soil maintenance trainings from Wamukisa they have started a new method of nourishing soil so they can have high yields from maize inter-cropped with beans. Instead of adding manure beneath the seed holes, preparation first will place on top of the soil one layer each of brown plant material, green material, charcoal, manure, and soil microbe solution, much like a short compost pile. After early rain assists plant material decomposition, seed planting workers will mix it into the soil to nourish roots and provide mulch.
Before the pandemic, Zinabala operated an event management business, saving and giving out loans to its members. But last year during lockdown with limited gathering and markets, they came up with an idea of opening a staple crop garden, and started farming cooperatively 1.5 acres of land that was lent to them by Wamukisa. The VICOBA now will hire the YNM family group to work 3 acres of land with additional land it will rent from one of the VICOBA members. The YNM family group will earn income both as casual labor and as VICOBA members who share in its earnings.
Zinabala members dream to produce more, earn more, save more and later invest more in their event management business, becoming an example to their neighbors.