Ngara, TZ – Family volunteered to improve school’s water tanks – 31 Dec 2021

The SIA family volunteered to assist Kabalenzi Primary School, and its students who carry water daily from their homes for their breakfast at school, by renovating the school’s water tank. The tank will store clean and safe water for drinking, cooking and washing, so that up to seven students each day will no longer have to carrying water.
The school also faces the challenges of renovating the roof gutters that feed rainwater to the 40,000 liter tank. Any water harvested reduces the bill for water supplied by the government through the main water line. The school also owns a 5,000 liter poly tank that could be linked to the main water tank.
The school head teacher dreams of having sufficient water to start vegetable gardens at school to supply a Grow-own-Breakfast to strengthen students health.