Utete, TZ – Dickson finds an opportunity where there is a gap in provided services – 15 Nov 2020

Due to coronavirus, many of the traders in Utete area who buy and sell produce and livestock at auction houses were unable to invest this year due to the economic downturn. Dickson was their transporter and noticing the lack of business saw a gap and applies for a loan.
in 2019, Dickson had several customers who needed him to transport large quantities of produce and livestock from the surrounding villages to an auction house. This year, when coronavirus began affecting the economy in his area, he noticed that his customers were not asking him to transport anything. Dickson called and asked what their challenges were and learned that they had not enough capital to reinvest in their buying and selling in Utete area.
Dickson, seeing the opportunity, is requesting a small loan to test the buying and selling business. He already controls the means of transport so it would provide a necessary service to farmers and pastoralists in the area as well as help him increase the sustainability of his business
Dickson plans to start small, purchasing a few goats and taking them to the auction house to sell, taking note of his revenue, expenses, and process. After this is documented, he’ll request a larger loan to begin injecting small amounts into his business.
The effect could make him nearly if not completely sustainable by the end of 2021. He hopes that after the trial he’ll be moving on up and expanding his business further.