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Kikondo, UG – KMK Family begins home renovations – 15 Nov 2020

After a strong year of earning from their grocery and saving in the Zinabala VICOBA and gaining access to a loan, the KMK family begins their home renovations.

KMK family operates a small grocery near the Destiny School, some of the product they sell produced from their garden which they expanded in 2019 to increase sales to the school. The revenue KMK mother earned from the grocery and vegetables sales were saved in the Zinabala VICOBA group. The growth in their savings allowed them to take a large loan.

Using the sales, savings, and loan received from Zinabala group, KMK family replaced their old roof, adding an additional two rooms to their house, and extended their front porch with an awning. The total cost of construction is around 3,000,000 UGS ($833). This will give them much needed space for the large family. KMK family consists of KMK mom and her 4 children. KMK Family expects to finish in late December

Similarly to Wamukisa’s experience and many other families. KMK’s sales suffered through coronavirus lockdowns. Uganda had a longer and more stringent lockdown. Additionally, the Destiny school, her main customer, was out for most of the year just returning in July

Now that Uganda is returning to some sense of regular life. She hopes to expand again and increase her income further.