Moshi, TZ – Oria Primary School facing water challenges – 15 Nov 2020

Tanzania is expecting a light drought this year going into 2021. Tupendane’s sister partner, SODAT of Ngara is seeing minimal rains currently, and the forecast is similar for the Kilimanjaro region. Adding in the extreme heat at the end of the year has severely impacted the water table at Oria Primary School.
Recently Tupendane became aware of a serious challenge facing Oria Primary school. The lack of rainwater and high temperatures during the dry season has significantly impacted the water table. The lack of water in their well decreases the amount that can be watered daily on the gardens and nearly makes it impossible to water this year’s farm.
Tupendane manager, Deo, contacted this local well experts and put together next steps. They’ll be digging out the well so that it can have a better chance of hitting the underground aquifer which recharges during the night. Interestingly, Maendeleo Primary School, found near by, does not have this challenge.
Tupendane expects to pump the current water into the tank and have workers remove mud from the bottom. They hope to dig at least 3 additional meters to hit the underground aquifer.
If they don’t hit water, they may need to consider digging an entirely new well otherwise, they’ll have to depend more on rain fed agriculture this year which in Kilimanjaro region is highly unpredictable.