Utete, TZ – New investor may bring new opportunities – 15 Sept 2020

Recently, Kinidtwi Village Executive Office was approached by an investor wanting to purchase or rent land in order to build a hotel and farm to provide benefits to the local community. KCM has seen the opportunity and is beginning to position itself to be contracted.
Kinditwi is experiencing a bit of unexpected growth. The nearby game reserve received a budget to secure the border around the small lake, the Tanzanian road authority is planning on paving the road out to Utete, and now an investor is looking to set up a hotel on that same road that will overlook the lake and the game reserve.
The influx of investment is important for Kinditwi as the area sees only the primary benefits of agricultural activity. The investor is interested in providing benefits for the community. KCM is one of the organizations that can easily link this investor with opportunities.
Since there is little flow of money into Kinditwi, the team doesn’t see many opportunities to expand its reach as a social enterprise. Money needs to come into the area and stay. The road, the game preserve, and the hotel are great options for growth.
KCM hopes that their will be an alignment with their work and the investor’s needs. If so, this can be a very beneficial future for both parties!