Kilimanjaro, TZ – Lishe Bora manager finishes repaying house loan – 15 Aug 2019

Mary, manager of Lishe Bora, finished her home building loan. This has enabled her to be eligible for an additional loan to finish her home.
In 2016, Mary bought land and began construction of a home on the land in 2017. Around the same time, she diverted some of the funds of her loan to support her parents and built them an improved toilet and shower. However, this meant her the current home would go unfinished.
Mary worked diligently with Lishe Bora for the remainder of the loan while her house sat unfinished and unoccupied. However, she was still able to enroll her two children in a private English school and invest in their education.
Mary is challenged by the health of her parents, her father passed away at the beginning of the year, but her mother suffers from asthma and needs to be hospitalized.
She hopes to finish her home and move in someday, she also hopes to start and invest in animal husbandry projects on her land.