Kilimanjaro, TZ – MGA daughter uses trade knowledge to earn income – 15 July 2019

The daughter of MGA family, FJM, is the fifth child of the family. She completed her primary education in 2019 and joined the tailoring training center for one year. Currently, she is using this knowledge to earn some extra income by sewing and repairing clothes in her community.
Although FJM was unable to continue her tailoring education, she retained her skills and applies them throughout Mkyashi where she can. Clothes are an investment and many families cannot afford to purchase new clothes year after year. Instead, they rely on local tailors to refashion or repair old clothes. FJM is able to do this work and is capturing some of the market, though not as much as she would like
Her family was unable to pay for the continuing education, but FJM also works as a housemaid for families in the area to help save up for more tailoring training.

Her dream is to save up enough money in order to complete her training and become a certified professional tailor.