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Kikondo, UG – Wamukisa partners with Kigasa Women’s Group in 2018 – 9 Jan 2018

Wamukisa is planning to partner with the Kigasa Women’s Group throughout 2018. The organization gives Wamukisa an opportunity to reach dozens of new families who are already organized and showing an interest in determining their own future.

Michael, the manager of Wamukisa, said that he met the group of women at the end of 2017, right as he was brainstorming ways to expand Wamukisa. He hopes the partnership with the Kigasa Women’s Group will both expand Wamukisa’s reach and offer an opportunity to learn about new programs. The organizations will begin their collaboration by building 3-bed family vegetable gardens.

Kigasa Women’s Group is a group of women who come together to make a positive difference in the lives of the group’s members and in their community. Each week, the women meet and run a Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) together. A SACCO is a savings and loan program. The group also runs small businesses together, including a pineapple farm, which helps them generate money that they can then use to support each other and help others. One of the initiatives of the group is that each month they try to buy a different family in their community a water tank.

Wamukisa is excited about this partnership and looking forward to the mutual  benefits it can create.