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Kikondo, UG – Missing seeds sprout up in Wamukisa’s backyard – 4 Nov 2016

isaac-garden-2_editedAround late August Wamukisa team members noticed they were missing some seeds. After discussing as a team, they each figured someone else must have used them and forgotten. A few weeks later they noticed Isaac, the ten year-old son of Wamukisa employee Rose, tending 3 small vegetable patches hidden in the banana trees behind Wamukisa’s demonstration garden. Further investigation revealed that Isaac had “borrowed” the seeds to start his own garden.

“Of course he should have asked,” says garden shop manager Michael Kiwanuka, “but in our program we are really encouraging children to get involved. For example, when we meet with a family we will propose that they choose one child who should be responsible for looking after that family garden. So Isaac is also being an example.”

isaac-garden_editedWhile he apparently believes in sharing seeds, Isaac has no interest in sharing work. He insists no one else should work in his garden. He plans to sell the vegetables he grows to get books, pens, and pencils for school. Hopefully he has money left over for seeds, too!