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Battambang, KH – Garden feeds the MYB family everyday – 18 Mar 2016

MYB and his wifeThe MYB family started their organic vegetable garden after seeing the productive garden of one of their neighbours. Since then, they have stopped going to the market to buy vegetables because their garden provides enough for them to eat every day. They have noticed that their children look healthier than before and their levels in school are improving!

The Healthy Life Garden Shop program is designed to help a family grow enough vegetables to feed their family every day. This is achieved by planting different vegetables at different times to ensure that there will always be at least one crop ready for harvest; this is called relay planting. The MYB family have become experts at relay planting hence their ability to harvest vegetables throughout the year.

MB (4)The family earns US$2-5 from selling any excess vegetables each month. They try to save these funds for improvements to their home.

The MYB’s want to start raising pigs so that they can increase their income. They have applied for a micro-loan with the Healthy Life Garden Shop and hope to raise the pigs in time for the Khmer water festival in Oct. 2016.