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Battambang, KH – Vegetable income helps grandchildren – 01 Jul 2014

cham-chok-400x300Poverty often forces people to make difficult decisions. For example, a lack of food and difficult living conditions forces many Cambodian parents to leave their children and homes to go to work in other countries such as Thailand. CC’s grand-children have been left by their parents, who have gone to work in Thailand. This means that CC has to support and raise the children.

She is 53 years old, and is raising two grand-children who are in school. She works sewing clothes and vegetable planting.

When the garden shop was building a garden for a neighbor, CC came to ask for help building a garden. She was so happy to see the neighbor’s garden, and told the garden shop team that this type of garden could contribute a lot to her grand-children’s living and education costs.

After mentoring her about the garden, and understanding her situation, the shop accepted her request for a garden. CC is a hard working woman, and she likes to work in her garden. When Salee went to see her, she gave him big smile and showed him a glorious green garden.

Garden-CC-300x128From starting the garden until now, she has harvested salad, morning glory, long bean and pumpkin. The total money she earned is around $40. She uses this money for her grand-children’s education materials and family living expenses.

She is very grateful to the shop, and hopes that the garden project will continue to help other disadvantaged people like herself.