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Utete, TZ – Cow groups focus on milk yield – 27 Mar 2014

The two cow groups in Kindwitwi – the MOM family and the Mamas’ Group – are working to figure out how to increase their cows’ milk yields. The projects started out well and the families were getting around five liters of milk per day from their cows. However, in recent months both cows have stopped producing at good rates.

The MMM family cow.

The MMM family cow.

The MOM family cow is currently producing between three and four liters of milk per day. The family would like to increase the amount of food the cow is eating, but currently cannot afford to buy more. The cow is currently eating about 100 kg. per week of a mix of grain flour, minerals, and grass. The family would like to increase this to 150 kg. to increase milk production.

Mama MMM in front of the family cow.

Mama MMM in front of the family cow.

The Mamas’ Group’s cow has stopped producing milk entirely. They are still suffering from the bad luck of their cow losing its calf months ago. The stress from this incident caused the cow to sharply decrease its milk production and stop producing milk much sooner than expected. The group quickly worked to get their cow pregnant again to increase milk production. Unfortunately, it will still be another month and a half before the group can expect to start getting milk again, but they are looking forward to getting another opportunity to make the project work.

The Mamas' Group in front of their cow banda.

The Mamas’ Group in front of their cow banda.

Despite these difficulties both groups are learning and looking to improve their fortunes. Both groups feel confident that after their cows give birth again they will be more successful at turning their projects into profitable small businesses.