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Kilimanjaro, TZ – ZOL Family – 9 Dec 2013

ZOL 20131209The ZOL garden continues to produce a lot of vegetables. The family is lucky to have good water access and is also diligent about watering his garden every day. The result is good production of  large healthy vegetables. The members of the family have also learned from the Lishe Bora team about proper pruning and care techniques, and this has helped to increase the productivity and lifespan of their vegetables.  ZOL’s garden provides proof of the importance of using best-practices in organic gardening.

Because of these high levels of productivity the ZOL family has been able to sell a large amount of their excess vegetables. To date the family has sold nearly 6,000 TZS (US$4) of vegetables without impacting their home supply.  Currently they are enjoying eating four varieties of leafy-green vegetables along with cucumbers and tomatoes. Their carrot, onion, and green pepper plants are also growing very nicely.