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Kilimanjaro, TZ – BMM Family Garden – 9 Dec 2013

BMM Family Garden 20131209

The BMM family’s new garden is coming in well. They are already enjoying eating Chinese cabbage, and many other vegetables are just a few weeks from being ready. The family is battling a common problem in Mkyashi, cut worms that feed on the weak flesh of young seedlings. They chew through the flesh and into the nutritious insides of the vegetables and in the process can completely cut a plant or leaf’s stem. A number of organic solutions exist to fend off cut worms, since they are a problem in many parts of the world. However, the Lishe Bora team has not yet found the most effective solution for Mkyashi.

Despite these difficulties, the garden is developing nicely and we expect the family to be enjoying a good variety of food in the coming weeks.