Better Lives

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Moshi, TZ – MMC family garden – 4 Oct 2013

MMC’s garden is growing well and he is currently receiving an average of 500 to 750 TZS / $0.35 to $0.50 USD every day from neighbors who buy vegetables from his garden.

2013-10-02 Chuwa gardern

He is feeding his family mainly with kale and squash from the garden.  The latter has grown well in his garden and he feeds a good number of friends and family with very tasty fried butternut squash chips!  They tell us that they taste better than potato fries!  It was the first time for everybody in the area to taste the squash and they all really liked it!  The MMC’s and friends are thankful for being introduced to them and can’t wait to grow more.

2013-10-02 chuwa productions