Better Lives

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Moshi, TZ – BCD family garden – 11 Oct 2013

Mama BCD is very enthusiastic about her garden, which looks very healthy.

2013-10-09 benjamin gardern

BCD and other families participating in a group mentoring session

The Tupendane team established during a mentoring session that BCD needed to improve her garden pathways because some of them were not clear of weeds.  She also needed to work on replacing any seedlings that died so that her garden could be as productive as possible.

Mama BCD has been keeping the best records in the area for tracking vegetable sales.  She has earned at least 15,000 TZS / US$10 and saved 7,000 TZS  / US$4.50 during the last month by not buying vegetables from the market, giving the family an additional 22,000 TZS / US$14.50 net income during the month.

The Tupendane shop has provided her with a notebook so that she can continue to keep good records of her garden’s productivity.