Better Lives

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Moshi, TZ – Kahe primary school garden – 4 Oct 2013

The Tupendane garden team helped the Kahe primary school build a vegetable garden the week of 4 October.  The teachers and students learned how to form the garden beds, mix in compost and rice hull charcoal, and plant seedlings with the help of the Tupendane garden shop team.

2013-10-02 kahe primary gardern

They chose to plant the 12 beds as follows:

2 beds of cabbages

1 bed of eggplant

2 beds of kale

2 beds of chinese cabbage

1 bed of ngogwe

1 bed of cow peas

1 bed of mung beans

2 empty beds ready for relay planting

Kahe primary school children and teachers will enjoy the vegetables to increase their health, and the school garden will act as an example of what can be achieved with family gardens.

2013-10-02 Kahe primary accepting the equipments

Garden equipment like a manual water pump, hoses and watering cans have been delivered to the school so they are ready to care for the garden effectively.  The right garden equipment will help them follow the garden best practices, which will help them to maximize productivity.