

Better Lives assists schools, families and children living in disadvantaged rural areas to progress along a path to sustainable living.


Our strategy is to assist them with sustainable quality solutions to challenges they face on their path.


Strategy of Continuous Sustainable Quality Improvement of solutions to challenges on the path to sustainable living.

Assist schools, families and children with solutions to challenges they face.

Best practices repeat actions to build sustaining skills that build sustainable solutions.

Important beliefs that seed actions.


We implement solutions to challenges faced by schools, families and children in disadvantaged rural communities, as they progress along their path to sustainable living. We use the Logic Model’s flow of assumptions, goals, inputs, activities and outputs to deliver sustainable short and long-term outcomes.

Our grassroots approach is aimed at strengthening health, earning income, improving homes, and enhancing education outcomes.

The solutions include implementing sustainable productive assets like Food Always In The Home (FAITH) and school Grow-own-Breakfast (GOB) organic vegetable and banana gardens, community village banking (VICOBA) groups, Rent-to-Own (RTO) homes, and school water, sanitation and hygiene (SWASH) facilities.

Implementation Logic Model

Local Organization

We believe locally-led collaboration is key to effectively identifying the root causes of the challenges, in a way that empowers communities to own and sustain the solutions.

We partner with organizations that are embedded in their communities and focused on assisting families and schools to find and implement solutions to the challenges they encounter along their paths to a sustainable life.

Training and ongoing mentorship by our local partner teams promote application of agriculture, health and financial best-practices.

Program evaluation activities assist us to measure impact and continuously improve. Sustainability drives everything we do, including plans to expand into new regions and countries.