Kilimanjaro, TZ – Mkyashi Mamas join together to improve their girls’ health – Aug 2024

Lishe Bora Maendeleo Vicoba group has been continuously supporting their community by focusing on health and educational support. Through some knowledge and loans assistances from Lishe Bora and Betterlives, the Lishe Maendeleo group of women has been raising slowly their financial supports through different entrepreneurship programs for themselves and their families.
The Lishe Bora Management has been very happy with these achievements, and early this year they brought new knowledge to these mamas and trained them on a new community benefiting business where by the Vicoba women were exposed to the training on how to makes girls reusable sanitary pads for selling them to their community.
This knowledge has been successfully practiced by the Vicoba Women group and they have been able to make a good number of sanitary pads that they sold to visiting school groups who were hosted by Lishe Bora during the summer. The school groups then freely distributed the reusable sanitary pads to Kisuluni and Laso Primary School children .
The Lishe Maenddeleo group has benefit of the income, and building market awareness of the new design of cheap pads within the community. In future, the Vicoba group will be looking to expand this business by purchasing a new sewing machine to make more pads for their own financial benefits, and at the same time improve the health of their own girls in a economical and environmental way.