Better Lives

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Siem Reap, KH – Mrs TPS is dreaming of growing her business – May 2024

Mrs TPS has been one of the Rent-to-Own home (RTO) families for over 4 years now. A painful and sad incident happened 2 years ago, when her husband left her for another woman. She relied on her husband to pay rent for the house and for their daily needs, so her ordeal began when her husband was not there to help. She could not pay the rent, and was unable to continue growing vegetables in her garden.

During challenging times like this, we need to work together to find a solution to the challenge. Fortunately,
Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop offers a holistic set of programs, including mentoring visits and loan programs, to assist families on their paths to sustainable living. The programs are initiatives that Better Lives and Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop use to empower families to take control of their lives and ultimately achieve financial freedom.

The shop manager Rey supported Mrs TPS emotionally, spritually and finacially to cope with her situation and start a new beginning. Her situation has now improved and she has recovered remarkably, is paying her rent on time, and looks happy. Her good attitude and positive outlook in life, meant that Mrs TPS was offered a job in a small cassava processing company that is just next to her RTO community. She has started a small shop in her work place with the loan Peaksneng Thormacheat Shop provided to her. Her new income means she has been able to significantly improve her family’s living standards.

This success can be attributed to her hard work and assistance from the shop team and the Better Lives loan program, which assists families in the RTO community to grow vegetables, raise livestock like chickens and pigs, and start small businesses in order to earn a sustainable, continuous income that pays for basic needs and enables families to save to invest in ways that enable them to become more self-reliant. Mrs TPS dreams of growing her business in the future.