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Ngara, TZ – School cook’s journey on path to sustainable living – May 2024

FFK was a cook at Mukibogoye school who believes in achieving a sustainable living, so he is starting a seafood and cooking oil business. He has recently made significant strides to reach a milestone by improving his living conditions. He successfully built his own house, which not only provides his family with stable housing, but also signifies a transition from spending on house renting costs to monthly savings of 20,000 TZS / US$ 8 with the Village Community Bank (VICOBA). Moreover, he has secured electricity for his home, enhancing his family’s quality of life by contributing to a more comfortable living environment.

By starting a business selling seafood and cooking oil, FFK aims to further enhance his family’s income and financial stability. This venture aligns with his aspiration for self-employment, offering the potential for increased earnings compared to his previous employment as a cook at the school. FFK believes owning a business will enable better opportunities for his family, by supporting their long-term welfare and financial stability on their path to sustainable living.

He has navigated the complexities of launching and managing a new business, including market research, securing suppliers, managing finances, and building customer’s base and cash flow. To kick-start this business, he needs 1,500,000 TZS capital loan for ensuring effective profitability under careful and persevering management. His journey reflects resilience and determination, highlighting his commitment to achieving a sustainable income through hard work and initiative. He wants to create a legacy of entrepreneurship that benefits his family and community, and also of volunteer time assisting SODAT to assist families and children achieve sustainable lives oftheir own. His dream embodies the pursuit of a better future built on self-reliance and economic empowerment.