Battambang, KH – Visiting students will be assisting families this summer – Apr 2024
In this quarterly report we outline the progress and impact of the support provided by visiting foreign students to families in past years, and look forward to three student groups visiting this year. The focus has been on strengthening health initiatives such as making compost to generate income, building home vegetable gardens, toilets and water reservoirs to strengthen health and enhance education among children.
During the first quarter in 2024, the Healthy Life Reinforcement shop’s efforts were concentrated on mentoring and assisting families to maintain their vegetable gardens, which were built in previous years with the generous support of students who visited from abroad. The students assisted by raising funds for compost, seeds and tools, and volunteering to assist families to build their vegetable gardens. They also assisted in the same way with building home toilets and water storage tanks, while all the time learning about the way of life and culture of the families and children they assisted.
Compost is being made by the Healthy Life shop in preparation for the visiting students assisting families to build their vegetable gardens. In 2024, visiting students and the families they assist will will learn how to make compost with organic waste materials that are readily available in the area. Compost production has proved to be beneficial health wise and economically, because several families are reducing their expenses by avoiding buying industrial compost and chemical fertilizer. Good quality organic compost can also be sold for income.
Building Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities such as home toilets and water storage tanks is a priority for vulnerable families and children. Through international student support, over 40 families have built toilets and water reservoirs in their households. This initiative not only addressed the sanitation and hygiene needs of the families but also contributed to enhancing the overall health and well-being of the community.
The impact of these interventions has been significant. Families involved in vegetable gardening have improved their diet, leading to better health. The net income generated from making compost and selling vegetables has provided financial support to several households, empowering them economically. Moreover, the provision of toilets and water sources has not only promoted good hygiene practices but has also increased school attendance because children are healthier because they have access to good sanitation at home.
The support provided by students from abroad has made a significant difference in the lives of impoverished families, empowering them to improve their livelihoods and create a better future for their children. Through initiatives such as vegetable gardening, compost making, and sanitation improvement, tangible progress has been achieved, laying the foundation for future prosperity in the community.
Despite the progress made, challenges such as limited resources and logistical constraints remain. There is a need for continued support and sustained efforts to expand the reach of these initiatives to more families in need. The Healthy Life Shop’s efforts and collaboration with local authorities, community organizations and other stakeholders will help overcome these challenges and ensure the long-term sustainability of the projects that visiting students start.