Kilimanjaro, TZ – Sustainable School feeding program on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro – Jul 2023

Lishe Bora team is working hard training children and teachers about different strategies for ensuring daily school meals are produced sustainably at the Lasso and Kisuluni Primary schools. The best practices for school gardens have successfully enabled the students, teachers and parents to plant beans in the spaces between the banana trees they planted. This approach will produce the food for the children and also improve the soil fertility by reintroducing back nitrogen to the soil and reducing weeding time by being a cover crop.

These sustainability trainings are aiming to prepare the children to be able to grow their own school meals, while also building their future capacity of be food self-sufficient when they have families of their own.
The team says “our dream is to continue this crop inter-planting to ensure the fertility and long life of our soil, while we are working on overcoming water supply challenges at the schools.”