Moshi, TZ – Mobile solar electric pump assists Tupendane team to manage drought risk – 31 Dec 2022
Application of an alternative cheap source of energy is of a key importance to the sustainability of our affordable safe food production in the current bad weather characterized with long drought in Kahe Tanzania.
A low cost of owning of a mobile solar electric pump on its operation at the Tupendane Pilot farm in Kahe has proven to be a way forward on controlling the food production costs despite these difficult moments of long drought we are currently experiencing, The cost of food has been going up over the recent times and one of the contributing factor has been higher fuel prices which has a multiple effects to the food production lines in Tanzania.
Jackson and his other team members are successfully growing banana and corns for selling at our pilot farm as one of our strategy on ensuring that Tupendane’s team members are become food sufficient and consecutively starts to gain their own income while step by step walking through the path towards self-income sustainability.
This has been a very good timing of operating with the solar electric pump not only because of fuel prices but also the country is on the shortage of food hence a good price for our expected harvests. Tupendane is hoping to expand these kind of income generating activities in our RTO (rent to own) land for more predictable results as compared to the current seasonal pilot farm which floods in the rain seasons for few months.
When the Tupendane teams are all self-income sustainable it will be more easier for attaining the sustainability of our schools feeding program famous as Grow your Own Breakfast (GOB) which is our main Objective.