Ngara, TZ – Ester cooks at school and starts catering business with VICOBA loan – 30 Sep 2022

Ester has been cooking and serving breakfast to children at Kabalenzi primary school since 2011. She is now expanding her cooking services to the community events after her Village Community Bank (VICOBA) supported her with a cooking Utensil loan.

She has engaged with community activities, which made her well known for quality service. She has decided to improve her opportunity for a better income by creating a catering group. The VICOBA called MVG loaned her 600,000 Tzs for 4 cooking pots, 3 big serving dishes, 350 serving plates and 350 spoons to accommodate catering at weddings, funerals, graduations and auction days. She now cooks at an auction each Wednesday, and at weddings on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Ester has been challenged by limited capital, and is still hiring additional utensils for serving in big events that have more people. Transporting utensils to event venues and back home at night can also be a challenge.
She dreams of being self-sufficient with transport, and utensils for serving up to 500 people. This will save hiring costs and increase her family net income so that she can save to improve their home and her children’s education and future life opportunities.