Kichondo, UG – Rose saves for home by raising pigs to sell at holiday season – 31 Aug 2022
In Kikondo Village, Wamukisa team member Rose is known for her strength and hard work, her smile and humor, and her knowledge of pig raising for sale. She started with 9 piglets 2 years ago and she has managed to expand her piggery project into a profit-making business from which she hopes to save for a home of her own.
She has:
38 pigs to sell in December. The lowest price of her pig will be 100,000 UGS and the highest price will be 300,000 UGS
20 piglets which she will sell at 100,000 each earning 2,000,000 UGS
10 pigs that will sell at 200,000 UGS each earning 2,000,000 UGS
8 mature pigs that would sell at 300,000 each earning 2,400,000 UGS
Total she will earn of 6,400,000 UGS / US$ 1,712
Of the 8 mature pigs, she will keep 3 which are pregnant and will start again her piggery project in 2023. She hopes to start her 2023 piggery project with 1,000,000 for operations and save 400,000. So she will have 5,000,000 UGS / US$ 1,344 toward a new home.
She faced some challenges while learning. Pandemic lockdowns cancelled the English class she was taking. As the project grew with more pigs, maintaining their health became even more important. Proper veterinary services were essential. Wamukisa was able to find a good veterinary doctor who advised and trained her on proper pig rearing techniques which have helped her project. The styes now have cement floors, healthier than mud. With the pandemic food shortage now eased, feed for the pigs is more available but now more expensive as prices rise. She hopes to grow her own maize from land she will rent from her nephew. Since she’s a member of the Zinabala VICOBA, she will purchase feeds at a reduced cost when the VICOBA mills its maize in October and produces maize husk bran which pigs eat.
Rose dreams of owning her own home with enough land to use for income earning projects.