Kilimanjaro, TZ – Kisiluni Primary School students are enjoying their daily meal – 30 Apr 2022
Lishe Bora is assisting Kisiluni Primary school to develop a program for serving their children a meal every day, in a way that the school can sustain themselves. This Grow-own-Breakfast program is based upon banana and vegetable gardens.
The school is planning to plant more banana trees in order have enough bananas for feeding thier students bananas with the vegetables on days there is no corn. This may happen when parent contributions of corn are not sufficient and cannot be made up with school corn prodution because the school does not have the needed farm land.
The student’s school attendance and performance is expected to improve because of their nutritious meal each day. When they grow more vegetables and bananas than they need to eat, they will be able to sell them to earn money for purchasing inputs like seeds.
To control costs, the students are learning to make compost, natural fertilizer and pest repellant sprays. They are also making the raised vegetable beds, planting and harvesting their meal ingredients each day.