Moshi, TZ – Maendeleo Primary School harvest Beans – 15 Sept 2020

After an unusually challenge free season, Maendeleo Primary is happily harvesting their beans ahead of schedule.
Last year, Maendeleo experienced challenges that were brought on by schedule delays due to the corn season being off by a month, additionally, the school was plagued by ground parasites and a rust disease that affected the total harvest. However, this year, the bean farming was completed with hardly any challenges.
The fair weather and completing tasks according to the planned schedule made for a fairly relaxing farming experience. As a result, the school is expecting to receive its harvest targets! Both Tupendane and the school were delighted to enjoy a smooth farming experience. While the farm stayed in maintenance mode, this gave them the opportunity to begin planning for improvements for next year.
The school needs to improve the total harvestable amount from the farms as well as how to prepare for the next growing season in order to promote the best outcomes. Otherwise, Maendeleo will face sustainability challenges.

Tupendane, Maendeleo Primary school and her sister schools hope to explore areas of agricultural improvements and conservation.