Kikondo, UG – HCM Family receives a loan for home improvement – 15 Feb 2020

HCM has worked with Wamukisa since 2016. In 2018 they, along with other Kikondo families joined Zinabala VICOBA group and began saving. This year they were eligible to receive a loan to invest in their home.
Like all families in the Wamukisa Family, HCM family started with a simple family garden. The garden teaches principles of planning, doing, checking, and acting. Families apply these same principles when planning for projects. Likewise, HCM family applied and received a loan of 400,000 UGS ($ 111 USD) to build 2 additional bedrooms in their house.
The ability to save and invest in their home will allow HCM mother and her 8 children to live more comfortably. Additionally, the investment gives a clear picture of the benefits of setting aside money to earn the trust of fellow VICOBA members.
One of HCM family’s incomes is generated from the extensions of their family garden. HCM family grows Bitter berry, a variety similar to eggplant, to sell in the local market. In order to earn more, they need additional land.

They hope to continue investing in their commercial vegetable growing to help increase their savings and investment ability.