Battambang, KH – Good track record qualifies family for livestock loan – 31 Jan 2020

CH, his wife and four children are about to receive a loan to purchase 4 piglets that they plan to fatten and sell in five to six months time for income after repaying the loan. Their target is to earn enough to buy a bicycle for the three oldest children’s journey to school.
They have qualified for a four piglet loan because they have a productive garden and have already repaid pig loans twice before. They used the resulting income for school expenses. The children are now reaching higher grades, but unfortunately their new school is far from home so CH wants to purchase a bicycle for their journey to school.
The Healthy Life Shop assisted CH to build a vegetable garden back in 2016. Since then, except for a break when he worked in Thailand, he has continued cultivating a productive garden. He recently planted cauliflower, lettuce and long bean that he has already harvested twice, picking 20 to 30 kg each time to sell for US$ 1.5 to 2 per kg. The family is using the earnings for daily living expense and their oldest three children’s school costs.