Battambang, KH – Needing additional classes to pass exams – 30 Sep 2019

RR is 14 years old and has just entered grade 7, which is financialy harder than before because his parent have to pay more money for his classes than before. This is because in grades 7 and 8 there are 5 subjects that need additional after school hours tuition for a cost each month of US$5 per hour per week per subject.
His poor family struggles to pay that amount of money, so he has to skip some of the subjects. He is very worried about whether he will be able to pass his exams.
His parents are quite supportive, and promise to support him untill he finishes his grade 12.
He also faces the challenge that the school is far from his home, so he needs a bicycle so that he can make enough time in the day to take the additional classes.
His sister is 10 years old and in grade 5, where she is an above average student ranked 13 among 40 in her class. At home, she likes to assist her parents by working in the family vegetable garden. Even at her early age she wants to help people be healthy and dreams of becoming a doctor.